Federal Authorities Want Your Driver’s License Photos - Consent Not Needed.
Federal Authorities Want Your Driver’s License Photos - Consent Not Needed. 7/8/2019 Author: 777 Media Source Millions of Americans’ photos are unknowingly being accessed by Federal authorities without approval from Congress or even your consent. According to a report by The Washington Post, state driver’s license databases have been breached by authorities in what some are calling an “ unprecedented surveillance infrastructure .” Others are viewing it as a system based on “ask-permission-later” practices. Photos of citizens who were never charged with a crime nor wanted as a subject of an investigation make up a majority of these photos in the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) systems. It is reported that the FBI and Immigration and Customs Enforcement have been utilizing these databases. A senior counsel at a government watchdog by the name of Jake Laperruque spoke with The Washington Post and was quoted saying, ...