Antifa Strikes Again -- Each Time Nothing's Done, The Situation Will Get Worse!
ANTIFA STRIKES AGAIN 7/1/2019 Author: 777 Media Source Over this past weekend there was a rally held in Portland, Oregon by the Proud Boys called "Him Too." The Proud Boys are a right-winged group that is the counter organization to the left-wing Antifa. Before the protest even got started there was a violent outbreak by Antifa, who was at the event to counter-protest. Unfortunately, one of the victims of this latest mob attack was Quillette editor Andy Ngo . Ngo has been an ardent non-supporter of Antifa, who frequently posts tweets following Antifa and their violent protests. Before going to cover the protest, Ngo was worried that violence could occur and that he could be the victim of such an attack. According to the footage, Ngo was physically assaulted by a group of "anti-fascists" who proceeded to kick and punch him. Not only was he beaten by this group of thugs, but he was also robbed of his camera eq...