Ilhan Omar Could Soon Be Under Investigation

Yesterday, Judicial Watch filed an ethics complaint to the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics chairman David Skaggs, asking for a full investigation into potential crimes linked to allegations that Ilhan Omar(D-MN) may have married her brother.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated.

"The evidence is overwhelming Rep. Omar may have violated the law and House rules. The House of Representatives must urgently investigate and resolve the serious allegations of wrongdoing by Rep. Omar. We encourage Americans to share their views on Rep. Omar's apparent misconduct with their congressmen."

Judicial Watch based their complaint on the reporting of David Steinberg. Steinberg's investigation took over three years and took him abroad into the United Kingdom. Throughout the investigation Steinberg and his investigative colleges gathered information from many different sources.

Among those sources were: public records, social media posts, genealogy databases, computer forensic analysis, unaltered digital photographs, discussions between the investigative reporters, subjects of the investigations themselves, and information given by confidential sources within the Somali-American community.

The investigation by Steinberg and associates uncovered up to eight instances in which Ilhan Omar could be held criminally accountable. Those charges would be, perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud, student loan fraud, and bigamy.

According to the investigative article, Ilhan Omar is not a part of the 'Omar' family. The Omar family was granted asylum in 1995 and allowed Ilhan, her sister Sahra, and her father Nur Said to use falsified names to apply for asylum as members of the Omar family. At that time, three other members of Ilhan's genetic family applied and were granted asylum in the United Kingdom using their real names on documentation.

Before changing her name for asylum in the United States, Ilhan Omar was known as Ilhan Nur Said Elmi. Her father's original name before applying for asylum was Nur Said Elmi Mohamed and her sister's named was Sahra Nur Said Elmi. The three siblings that were granted asylum in the United Kingdom were under the names, Leila Nur Said Elmi, Mohamed Nur Said Elmi, and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.

Ilhan Omar has only publicly identified one person as her sister and that is Sahra Noor. According to the investigation Ilhan and Sahra have publicly referred to the same man as their father. That man is Nur Said. Steinberg produced a Facebook photo and post confirming the above mentioned fact. He also produced another screenshot showing Nur Said's Facebook account.

If you look at the picture above you will notice the friend displayed at the bottom is Leyla Cilmi. According to Steinberg this account name had changed from Leila Elmi to Leyla Cilmi. Luckily, the website's URL didn't change and still reads "Leila.emli".

Another piece of evidence that Steinberg produced to prove Leila and Nur Said are father and daughter is her marriage certificate. Since it is a public record, Steinberg was able to obtain a copy of the certificate from London. If you look at the picture Steinberg provided you will see that Leila listed her father as Nur Said Elmi. At this point you can see how these three women have the same father, thus making them sisters. 

However, the evidence doesn't stop there. Steinberg presented numerous Instagram and Facebook posts that show that all three women referred to each other as sisters. Ilhan even filed a complaint with the D.C. Department For-Hire Vehicles and the D.C Office of Human Rights using her sister Leila as a witness for it. Though the exact name is redacted on Ilhan's official complaint, a series of posts and links shows that Leila was with Ilhan at the time the incident occurred.

The investigation then turned to connecting the sisters with the brother Ahmed Nur Said Elmi. According to the reports, Leila and Ahmed are the only two Nur Said Elmis in the United Kingdom. Furthermore a marriage certificate from 1997 shows that Leila lived in London and at that time Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was 12 years old and enrolled in a school in the same county as Leila.

Another piece of evidence connecting this family together was that Ahmed Nur Said Elmi posted a picture on Instagram of two twin girls calling them his nieces. Ilhan "loved" the picture and also posted a picture of herself with the twin girls and called them her nieces. The twin girls are the daughters of Leila Nur Said Elmi, and that can be verified by posts on Mohamed Nur Said Elmi's Facebook account.

So up to this point there are three things we know. 
1.) Ilhan Omar, Leila Elmi, and Sahra Noor have the same father named Nur Said Elmi. 
2.) Leila Elmi and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi lived in the same neighborhood in London.
3.) Ilhan Omar and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi call Leila Elmi's twin girls their nieces.

All of this evidence leads up to the question: Did Ilhan Omar perjure herself in her divorce documents in 2017? Ilhan claims that she had absolutely no contact with her husband Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, nor knew of his whereabouts. She listed that London was the last known whereabouts of Ahmed and that she had not spoken to him since 2011. 

Ilhan also stated in her divorce documents that she did not know of anyone who were likely to know of Ahmed's whereabouts and that her efforts to find Ahmed was social media. Facebook posts and pictures, however, show that she was with Ahmed in London in 2015 during her "#Londontrip". That within itself disproves the statements Ilhan made to the divorce court in Minnesota. 

In Minnesota, if the offender is found guilty of perjury, they can receive up to five years in prison. If Ilhan perjured herself, she could face up to 40 years behind bars.

Steinberg and his team of investigative journalists note that after three years of evidence collecting and reporting, Ilhan Omar has shown no evidence to contradict their accusations. Beyond Ilhan, nobody has been able to knock down this solid investigative work.

We hope Judicial watch keeps up the pressure on the Congressional Ethics chairman to get to the bottom of this. There are too many questions that our elected representative Ilhan Omar needs to answer. With all the evidence piling up we don't believe yelling "racist" will suffice anymore. We the people of the United States deserve the truth and should be glad there are still true journalists on the prowl looking for possible corruption. We need those kinds of journalists now more than ever.


Author: 777 Media Source


Steinberg was able to very this information by doing basic background and social security number checks. He also used along with other similar online tools to track down the information needed.


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