Aborted Fetal Body Parts for Sale by Planned Parenthood - Investigation Updates Demanded


  Aborted Fetal Body Parts for Sale by Planned Parenthood - Investigation Updates Demanded


Author: 777 Media Source

   In late June, Breitbart reported on a letter to U.S. Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Way. Which was sent by Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley, demanding answers and an update on a Planned Parenthood investigation. The investigation (which was supposedly launched in 2017) examines possible violations that Planned Parenthood and its partners in the biomedical research industry are involved in the sale of aborted fetal tissue.

   The letter stated,

    “Preventing the illegal sale of human fetal tissue remains a priority for the Committee.” “In furtherance of the Committee’s ongoing oversight of this issue, the Committee asks that you answer the following questions no later than July 2, 2019,
    1. Has the FBI taken any action on the criminal referrals submitted by then-Chairman Grassley?
    2. If the FBI has taken action, please provide an update to the Committee
    3. If the FBI has not taken any action, please explain the justification for not doing so.
    4. Are there any other investigative updates related to this matter that the FBI can share with the Committee at this time?”

   Stephen Boyd, Justice Deprtament assistant attorney general for Legislative Affairs, formally requested the investigative documents in December of 2017. Reportedly the unredacted documents explore the allegations that Planned Parenthood and its partners have sold and profited off the sale of body parts of aborted babies.

   According to Breitbart, Fox News obtained Boyd’s letter in which he wrote,

    “The Department of Justice appreciates the offer of assistance in obtaining these materials, and would like to request the Committee provided unredacted copies of records contained in the report, in order to further the Department’s ability to conduct a thorough and comprehensive assessment of that report based on the full range of information available.  At this point, the records are intended for investigative use only—we understand that a resolution from the Senate may be required if the Department were to use any of the unredacted materials in a formal legal proceeding, such as a grand jury.”

   The FBI’s assistant director of the Office of Congressional Affairs sent a letter to Grassley in September of 2017 notifying him that the agency did have the criminal referral of Planned Parenthood and it’s partners in their possession.

   In June of 2017, FBI’s Gregory Brower wrote to Grassley stating,

    “We can confirm the Criminal Investigative Division (CID) of FBI Headquarters received your referrals and sent them to the relevant FBI field offices for review and whatever action is deemed appropriate.”
  A Breitbart article indicated that in his letter, Brower apologized to Grassley “for the delay in responding to [his] inquiry” and noted the receipt of the chairman’s letter, dated April 24th. The letter was original addressed to both former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions “concerning criminal referrals [he] made on December 13, 2016, to the FBI and Department of Justice.”

   Journalist David Daleiden, led an undercover video series by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) which ultimately launched the investigation due to concerns that fetal body parts were being sold for profit. The Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives both investigated these outrageous allegations in depth which also involved the close examination of independently obtained documents from biomedical companies and Planned Parenthood.

   Based on their findings, the Senate Judiciary Committee referred Planned Parenthood to the FBI and the Department to be investigated and face possible criminal prosecution.

   In 2016 Grassley said,

    “I don’t take lightly making a criminal referral.” “But, the seeming disregard for the law by these entities has been fueled by decades of utter failure by the Justice Department to enforce it.”  He went on to say, “Unless there is a renewed commitment by everyone involved against commercializing the trade in aborted fetal body parts for profit, then the problem is likely to continue.”

   The punishment for the sale or purchase of human fetal tissue (which is a felony) is up to ten years in prison and/or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2)

   Reportedly the Judiciary Committee’s Majority Staff Report concluded, based on its findings, that Planned Parenthood’s partners in the biomedical procurement industry paid for the body parts of aborted babies “and then sold the fetal tissue to their respective customers at substantially higher prices than their documented costs.”

   Planned Parenthood and its supporters maintain that the video produced by CMP, which documented the sale of aborted baby body parts, was “deceptively edited.” The Fifth Court of Appeals did however take the side of CMP and refuted Planned Parenthood's claim that the video was a fraud.

   As far as we know Planned Parenthood is in one way or another involved with the atrocity of the selling of aborted fetal body parts.  Hopefully the people will get an answer from the Attorney General about where this investigation is heading. As of now, no response from the AG or Director Wray has been reported.

Sources: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/06/20/gop-senators-demand-doj-update-planned-parenthood-fetal-tissue-probe/


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