Both Sides Of The Aisle Are Knee Deep In Swamp. Yet Is Anyone Surprised?



Author: 777  Media Source

   Earlier this week RealClear Investigations posted a new video from at the bottom) highlighting how former members of Congress and the Senate positioned themselves after their political run to enrich themselves.
   Currently it is reported that we have over 400 former players from Congress and the Senate that are helping create legislation and make money while doing so, by either working as lobbyists or in another capacity. In the piece, host Peter Schweiser explains how former politicians on both sides, Democrat and Republican, seem to have found a great way to continue doing their "job" of law creation without having to answer to the American people. "It’s like an invisible Congress of insiders-turned-influencers."
   One of the best examples Schweiser uses is that of former Ohio representative and Rebublican Speaker of the House, John Boehner.
   "He is a “strategic advisor” at Squire Patton Boggs, the fourth highest grossing firm in DC. He is also on the board of Acreage Holdings, a marijuana company. Boehner admits his pro-legalization stance is a strong pivot from his former opposition to legalizing cannabis. Now, Boehner claims that friends and neighbors helped to change his mind on this issue. But he’s got 16 million other reasons he’s changed him mind; that’s the payday he stands to collect if the US government legalizes marijuana for recreational use."

   Another legislator that is mentioned in this piece is former Louisiana representative and Democrat Billy Tauzin. According to the piece Tauzin,
   "(he)became president of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufactures of America, the main lobbying group for brand-name drug companies;"

  Not only did he become president of the fourth largest lobbying group in the country, but he rolled in the cash as well. Billy Tauzin reportedly made more than $16million in 2009-2010. Unfortunately, it doesn't end there. In the video they list, Tom Daschle(D-SD), Lynn Jenkins(R-KS), amongst others that end up going the way of consultants, lobbyists, and other positions of power within big D.C business. Even though there is a one year "cool off" period that former politicians have to abide by, it doesn't seem to slow down majority of them.
   The true silver lining that comes from these facts is that these politicians have shown their true colors to the American people. When over 60% of politicians that leave office get a multi million dollar deal to work with a firm, the jig is up. In a surprising cross of the aisle, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Congresswoman Alexandrea Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) are working together to put new restrictions in place to prevent former legislators from being lobbyists, and most Americans agree that it is time for a change. 

   With most of the swamp still in place it will be a wait and see game to see if they are willing to pass a bill that gives up their potential cash cow. 




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